In as much as tourism is for pleasure, it is sometimes used as a way of gaining self enhancement. The World Tourism Organization elaborates that the purpose of tourism is mainly adventure. There is however a different type of tourism known as Education tourism which aims at passing knowledge and skills to tourists rather than just gaining fun through travelling.
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This type of tourism is all about learning through different activities while moving from one tourist destination to another. Historical sites have become essential parts in adding a plus to education tourism. The quality of learning is very vital when it comes to education tourism.
It creates new opportunities from the knowledge that is acquired as people move across countries therefore enhancing social value.
To add a plus to Education Tourism, travel suppliers are advised to include more content of education for tourists to gain more from this experience. Some of the travelling experiences that involve education tourism are discussed as follows:
1. Study Abroad Experiences

Students exchange programs help International students learn skills like athletics in universities abroad.
Universities across America and other developed countries provide study abroad experiences to international students who not only tour such countries for fun but also to further their education. Cultural immersion study sessions help foreign students integrate with foreign cultures while they learn different languages abroad.
Students exchange programs help International students learn skills like athletics in universities abroad. By participating in schools sports tours, it helps them learn how to incorporate the art of soccer and athletics into their personal life. The growth of skills and talents help students have something more than just basic knowledge gained from their course work.
The European Credit Transfer System encourages education tourism through internships exchange programs for such international students. This exposes them to real life jobs that they can be part of when they finish their education. Such opportunities help students to travel more as they apply for scholarships around the world.
2. Seminar Vacations
Retired people engage in work shop travels such as seminar vacations that not only provide professional knowledge but also help senior citizens experience personal growth.
Senior people are able to learn through programs like elder hostel which expose them to education on arts, and astronomy lessons. Hands on experience vacations expose senior citizens to real life experiences in which they can relate to therefore promoting education tourism.
Education tourism symposiums are also organized to help people gain knowledge from experts on different topics as they participate in different activities.
Travel suppliers are responsible for such seminars bringing professionals and students together for them to learn through interaction.
3. Skill Enhancement Vacations

Education tourism is evident in countries that organize vacations to enhance people skills.
Education tourism is evident in countries that organize vacations to enhance people skills.
For instance, countries like Coasta Rica facilitate vacations for citizens to travel as they learn more about issues such as ecotourism. This makes it easy for tourists to access lessons on ways in which they can protect the ecology even as they enjoy experiences from travelling.
4. Educational Cruises
Tourists who share the same interests engage in education tourism through educational cruises where they are able to share different ideas and knowledge even as they travel to different destinations.
By taking lectures on specific subjects, they make new friends as they learn new things that bring economic development when they take this back home.
5. Regional Tourism Study Groups
Study groups are an efficient in promoting education tourism today.
People can learn more through popular topics that they easily identify with for instance effects of global warming to the atmosphere. Such sessions would help tourists learn how to preserve natural environment as a way of curbing global warming.
6. School Trips

Study groups are an efficient in promoting education tourism today.
Organizing school trips for students to visit different destinations is a plus to education tourism in that they are able to learn from travelling.
Tourist destinations provide tourist guides who not only help students adventure but also teach them about origins of different communities and history.
7. Youth Travelling
Education tourism is promoted through youth exchanges to different historical, educational and cultural sites.
Camps are organized for youths to learn as they enjoy touring different destinations.
Encouraging the youth to attend such camps organized by churches and foundations is a great way of promoting education tourism since they are exposed to new skills and knowledge that can help them in future.